Sunday, June 1, 2008

Great Project Management = IT Success

This article is closely related to the material discussed in the chapter. Kropf and Scalzi explain that it can be difficult to implement new information technology. They specifically analyze IT in health care. Senior management and professional project management must work together to overcome significant obstacles during IT implementation. Kropf and Scalzi suggest that a team of trained project managers should be created to monitor the progress of the implementation and provide accessible information form all projects. Software tools can be utilized by the team to collect, analyze and communicate the information on projects.

Health care organizations should:

1. Hire a staff member certified in project management or send an existing staff member for project management training.

2. Form a project management office (PMO). The PMO can free physicians to focus on the development of IT projects that can create benefits to the organization.

3. Appoint someone that can make decisions on money spent on IT.

I think that these 3 suggestions should definitely be implemented by health care organizations designing new information systems. As the chapter, case study and this article reiterate, a project management team should be experienced, have the proper support and knowledge to minimize risks.

Roger Kropf, Guy Scalzi. (2008). Great Project Management = IT Success. Physician Executive, 34(3), 38-40. Retrieved June 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database.

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