Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What Went Wrong with Maine's New Medicaid System?
1. How important are information systems for Maine's Department of Health and Human Services? Analyze the impact of its faulty Medicaid claims processing system.
Information systems are critical to Maine's Department of Health and Human Services. Its new Medicaid claims processing system was rejecting claims much more frequently than its old system had. Due to the rejected and frozen claims, the Bureau of Medical Services could not keep up with the processing and number of phone calls in relation to these claims. Some of the Medicaid providers were forced to turn away patients and even close operations because they were not compensated properly. Several others had to seek financing to maintain operations. Maine's finances became threatened as well due to the large segment of the state budget that Medicaid had in the past. The system created overpayments totaling $9 million. This huge disaster cost the state millions of dollars to fix. Maine became the only state not to satisfy the HIPAA requirements.
5. If you were in charge of managing this project, what else would you have done differently to increase the chances for success?
Well I wouldn't have implemented a brand new information system or I would have only went with a designer that already had created a similar successful system for another state. Considering the time constraint and lack of knowledge in creating such an elaborate system, I wouldn't have taken this risk. If it had been decided to create a new system, I would most definitely have done things differently. I would have appointed a Medicaid expert to work with the designer full-time from the beginning. Communication between the designer and Medicaid team would be highly emphasized. I would have also created some sort of online training session for providers to learn how to fill out the claim forms correctly. This would have greatly reduce several of the claim rejections.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Physicians Get Help in Safe Medication Prescribing
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Can Information Systems Make Your Doctor Better?
Many doctors struggle to identify diseases or misdiagnose patients. Substantial drug errors resulting in injury to over 1.5 million Americans. These drug errors include drug interactions, inappropriate prescriptions and forgetting secondary prescriptions. These preventable drug errors may result in $3.5 billion in additional billing annually to patients. Many of these errors can be attributed to human errors including; poor handwriting, memory lapses, fatigue, distractions and the total volume and complexity of available medications. Some information systems used to prevent these errors actually create new ways of making errors because of their design.
3. What obstacles prevent computer systems from improving the medical industry? How can these obstacles be removed?
One obstacle includes designing the information systems too much for physicians rather than nurses, who feel the greater impact from these systems. Designers of these information systems must acknowledge who will be utilizing the systems most frequently and accommodate these nurses. Another drawback of these systems are that they can be more rigid than traditional paperwork, not allowing a physician to write orders until a patient is admitted. Duke has addressed this problem by adding a new unit to the system that permits virtual admissions of patients.
Doctors and nurses must trust the system and not ignore automated prompts, which can be another obstacle. Many doctors resist the idea of needing help remembering procedures and treatments. To remove this obstacle, medical staff need to be informed of the accuracy of these systems and be educated on the time-saving component of these systems. Finally, some doctors argue that Diagnostic Decision-Support systems have not proved to be more successful than human diagnostics. They also grown at the cost and time involved with these systems. Physicians need to be provided with a ROI calculation and all the data that proves that these systems can prevent errors, which ultimately saves lives and money.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Analysis: Stripping the eBay Mall of Its Community Spirit?
Some business critics agree with eBay by stating that its core business is no different from Amazon.com and that allowing sellers to criticize buyers is not a good idea. Buyers don't like to be criticised in the real world. eBay explains that they have leveled out the playing field for buyers and sellers. However, eBay needs to be careful not to lose the sense of community that has made it so popular. Its recent changes may keep it above its competitors, but it must be careful not to alienate its users.
Analysis: Stripping the eBay mall of its community spirit? (2008, May). Marketing Week,8. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Can eBay Continue Growing?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How Video Ads Will Change Google Forever
I have a Google AdWords account for my business, Baja Tan. It has been a great tool to advertise my business service. You determine the search words you would like your ad to display on after a search. You can ad hundreds of different combinations of words if you like, I chose about 20. Then you set your monthly budget amount and maximum bid amount. You only pay for the impression if a web searcher clicks on your ad. You may log on anytime to view the ad campaign's performance. It records the number of impressions and clicks for each keyword along with the total charge.
Screenshot of my AdWords Campaign:
I think that video would be a nice addition to this service. Yellowpages.com already offers this video advertising service. You pay a monthly fee each month instead of using cost-per-click pricing. It is a directory service, not a search engine. My yellowpages.com ad rep asked if I would like to place a video along my ad and I declined because of the high pricing. Here is a link to my ad on Yellowpages.com, the video would be positioned to the right of the ad.
The photo and link below is a sample provided to me by my sales rep, Ocean Mystique Ink Gallery.
I also have an account with Yahoo Marketing Solutions. It's not as effective as Google AdWords. However, the same features are included; cost-per-click pricing, display ad, reports, budget and bid setting. Below is a screenshot from my Yahoo account.
I will utilize Google's video feature if it becomes available to everyone because I would be able to set a reasonable budget and pay per click. It's difficult to fit your ad within the 70 character limit and a picture is worth a thousand words. I look forward to this new tool by Google.
Google Takes on the World
I think that Google has several sources of competitive advantage. The search engine technology that combined the Page's PageRank system and Brin's Web crawler was initially the competitive advantage because Google's searches became so effective. Today, I think there are other search engines that use similar technologies, but Google's IT infrastructure is it's biggest source of competitive advantage. It has 450,000 servers between 25 locations around the world. The servers use inexpensive hardware to run a customized version of Linux operating system, MapReduce, Google WorkQueue, and Google File System. These programs simplify processing, create large data sets, groups queries and schedule them for distributed processing, and keeps copies of data in several places so that the data will always be available even if a server fails.
Google spends a third of what its competitors spend to generate a similar amount of computing power. Its infrastructure is flexible and inexpensive which creates a competitive advantage. Its competitive advantage creates value to its users. Google performs searches at a fast rate and provides its users with many different Web-based services and software tools. Google's Adwords provides value to advertisers by positioning the most relevant ads in the most prominent positions from keyword searches. As a business owner, this has been a great valued service to me. My article discusses this Web-based service further. Other services and software tools that create value to its users include; Google Spreadsheets, Google Apps, Google Toolbar, Google News, Gmail, Google Desktop Search, Froogle, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google Checkout and Google Video.